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Peer Reviewed and Invited Presentations


Invited Talks


  1. Technik alleine kann die Klimakrise nicht lösen. Lectures4Future Oberösterreich (11.1.2021)

  2. Der öffentliche Verkehr nach Covid-19. VCÖ (29.1.2021)

  3. Technik alleine kann die Klimakrise nicht lösen. TU Alumnitag (18.2.2021)

  4. Art4Science Podiumsdiskussion (25.2.2021)

  5. Homo mobilis. Drama/Theatre in Education online conference (26.3.2021)
  6. Technik alleine kann die Klimakrise nicht lösen. FH Wien. (20.4.2021)

  7. Nationaler Radverkehrskongress, Hamburg (28.4.2021)

  8. Mit Fairness wachsen: Wie wir Gefühle besser verstehen und Konsequenzen vorhersehen lernen. Toleranzgespräche Fresach (19.5.2021)

  9.  Evolutionsbiologische Überlegungen zur Verkehrswende Vivavelo Kongress Berlin (25./26.05.2021)

  10. Humor und Politik. Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Frankfurt (7.6.2021)

  11. Wer will schon fliegen, wenn es auch mit dem Zug geht? Eisenbahnkolloquium (10.6.2021)

  12. Homo urbanus. ÖAW Akademie in den Bundesländern. Lofer, Salzburg (12.6.2021)

  13. Homo urbanus. DHV Tagung Business und Kultur (22.7.2021)

  14. Fellingers Früh.Stück. Kontrollverlust (15.8.2021)

  15. Usus am Wasser. Corona Spezial mit Martin Puntigam und Martin Moder (24.8.2021)


  1. VDV Marketing-Kongress Online (4.11.2020)

  2. Homo urbanus Biologicum Almtal Online! (4.11.2020)

  3. ÖVG Dialog Lessons Learned: Wie verändert COVID-19 unsere Mobilität? (19.10.2020)

  4. Wie bringt man Menschen dazu, ihr Mobilitätsverhalten zu ändern? Salzburger Verkehrstage, Salzburg (14.10.2020)

  5. Homo Laborant, ein evolutionsbiologischer Blick in die Zukunft der Arbeit Digitalize Bau+Immo 4.0 (22.09.2020)

  6. Die Stadt, der Verkehr und das Virus: Wie gelingt die Mobilitätswende? Agora Verkehrswende (08.09.2020)

  7. Wieviel ist genug? FAQ Festival Bregenzerwald (06.09.2020)

  8. Warum wir zerstören, was wir lieben. Toleranzgespräche, FH Villach (27.05.2020)

  9. Homo urbanus. Volkshochschule Ulm (05.05.2020) 

  10. Exodus oder Exitus – Was wird aus Europa? Club Carinthia, Wien (13.02.2020)

  11. Homo mobilis – Mobilitätsverhalten aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht. Sicherheitssymposium Wiesbaden (12.02.2020)

  12. Homo urbanus – der Mensch im Mittelpunkt des Wirtschaftens. Wiener Innovationskonferenz Rathaus Wien (23.01.2020)

  13. Diskussion Evolution und Stadt. Mit Celine Wawruschka und Hermann Knoflacher. Club of Vienna (20.01.2020)

  14. Nachhaltiges Verhalten durch Nudging – der Beitrag der Menschenwissenschaften für die Zukunft des Planeten. Lectures for Future. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (16.01.2020)


  1. Sex und Gender zwischen Biologie und Gesellschaft. Frauenfrühstück in Eichgraben (14.12.2019)

  2. Sex und Gender zwischen Biologie und Gesellschaft. Kosmos Zürich (3.12.2019)

  3. Podiumsdiskussion. Wimen Symposium 2019 (20.11.2019)

  4. Von der Savanne zu Snapchat – Zusammenleben 4.0. Oberösterreichisches Zukunftssymposium, Linz (19.11.2019)

  5. Homo mobilis – mit Hilfe der Evolution zur Mobilitätsrevolution. Women in Mobility Summit, Frankfurt (15.11.2019)

  6. Die globale Klimakrise als soziale Frage. Urban Transformations (23.10.2019)

  7. Sex und Gender zwischen Biologie und Gesellschaft. Universität Ulm (21.10.2019)

  8. Homo urbanus: Learning from the past to build for the future. 2. Zukunftstag, Donau-Universität Krems (17.10.2019)

  9. Verlagerung. Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Podiumsdiskussion ÖVG Forum (9.10.2019)

  10. Eine Stadt zum Wohlfühlen, was die Evolution uns lehrt. Kommunalforum, Baden-Baden (8.10.2019)

  11. Tageslicht aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht. Talk at the symposium: Wer Sagt, dass nur Pflanzen Licht zum Leben brauchen?, Architekturzentrum Vienna, Austria. (3.10.2019) 

  12. Sicherheit an der Schnittstelle Mensch – Technik – Öffentlichkeit. Talk at the internal meeting of the AMS Austria, Vienna, Austria. (25.9.2019) 

  13. Homo urbanus – nachhaltig ist eine Stadt, die für Menschen gebaut ist. Talk at the Summer Convention of the Engineering Companies, Vienna, Austria. (27.6.2019) 

  14. Im Mittelpunkt der Mensch – ein evolutionsbiologischer Blick auf Gebäude. Talk at the Annual Convention of the Expert Witnesses, Vienna, Austria. (5.6.2019) 

  15. Homo urbanus – traditionalist and innovator. Talk at the Siemens Press Award Ceremony, Vienna, Austria. (4.6.2019) 

  16. Homo citybikensis – Begegnungen im urbanen Raum. Talk at the National Cyclists Conference, Dresden, Germany. (13.5.2019)

  17. Wenn nur die Fahrgäste nicht wären – Ethologische Betrachtungen zum Schienenfahrzeug. Keynote at the Conference Modern Railing Stock, Graz, Austria (16.4.2019)

  18. Helfen macht glücklich: Die Psychophysiologie von Kooperation und Altruismus. Keynote at the Sustainability Day at the University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria 

  19. Lichtblicke, Die Bedeutung von Tageslicht in der Architektur. Keynote at the Open Day Internorm, Vienna, Austria. 

  20. Immer der Nase nach. Talk at the ZOOM Kindermuseum, Vienna, Austria (24.02.2019) 

  21. Von Mobilität, Verkehr, Nudging und dem menschlichen Verhalten. Keynote at the Forum Verkehr, Vienna, Austria (12.02.2019) 


  1. Lichtblicke – evolutionsbiologische Ansätze zur Architektur. Talk at Architektur in Progress, Vienna, Austria (27.11.2018) 

  2. Mind the Gap, App. Talk at the Hypermotion, Frankfurt, Germany (20.11.2018)

  3. Glück – eine evolutionsbiologische Suche. Keynote at the Pfizer Reception, Vienna, Austria (7.11.2018) 

  4. Homo urbanus – mit Naturelementen menschengerecht bauen. Talk at the Symposium Natur Vielfalt Bauen, Feldkirch, Austria (24.10.2018) 

  5. Mit Neugier und Leidenschaft. Panel discussion at the Wiener Vorlesungen, Austria (22.10.2018)

  6. Evolutionary Design – how to make a city liveable . Talk at the St. Gilgen International School, St. Gilgen, Austria (4.10.2018) 

  7. Jung, sexy, nett oder reich – Partnerwahl aus Sicht der Biologie. Keynote at the Ultraschall Update, Seggau, Austria (25.10.2018) 

  8. Resiliency and Variability. Teachings from Biology. Fireside Talk at the Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, Austria (25.8.2018) 

  9. Vom Balzen und Röhren. Die Rolle der Kunst in der Partnerwahl. Keynote at the Musiktherapie Sommerakademie, Vienna, Austria (25.7.2018)

  10. Raumperspektiven: Der Soziale Raum aus sozialanthro- pologischer, soziologischer und sozialarbeiterischer Sicht. Panel Discussion at the Urania, Vienna, Austria (26.6.2018)

  11. Hormone prägen uns: Auswirkungen der Sexualhormone auf die Entwicklung des Gehirns und das Verhalten. Keynote at the Sommerakademie des Österreichischen Apothekerverbandes, Pörtschach, Austria (24.6.2018)

  12. Nachhaltig ist das neue Normal – die Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte braucht mehr Emotionen. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, Stuttgart, Germany (20.6.2018)

  13. Guardians of Eternity. Panel discussion hosted by the commission for interdisciplinary ecological studies. Vienna, Austria (11.6.2018)

  14. Im Mittelpunkt der Mensch – Subtile Anreize für nachhaltige Mobilität. Talk at the Interdisciplinary Research Center (IFZ) 30 year anniversary, Graz, Austria (7.6.2018)

  15. Gendergerechtes Design von Lebensumwelten. Workshop at the 2018 Wimen Symposium, Vienna, Austria (6.6.2018)

  16. The meaning of borders. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Forum Alpach Club Senza Confini, Trieste, Italy (28.4.2018) 

  17. Homo urbanus. Talk at the DAI, Heidelberg, Germany (17.4.2018) 

  18. Die Zukunft der Wissenschaft. Talk at the Long Night of Science, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (13.4.2018) 

  19. Sex und Gender zwischen Biologie und Gesellschaft. Talk at the Sceptics in the Pub, Vienna, Austria (11.4.2018) 

  20. He-She-Me-BeHave – Evolutionary Considerations of the Sexes. Talk at the IK2018 at Günne, Germany (12.3.2018) 

  21. (R)Evolutionary Design – Nudging in Urban Transport. Talk at the Eisenbahnkolloquium, Vienna, Austria (8.3.2018) 

  22. (R)Evolutionary Design – Human Centered Design in Urban Transport. Talk at the UITP meeting, Vienna, Austria (2.3.2018) 


  1. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany (4.12.2017) 

  2. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Manchester, UK (29.11.2017) 

  3. Urban Human – Wie Verhaltensbiologie und Stadtplanung neue Möglichkeiten schaffen. Talk at the Salonfestival, Design for Human Nature, Hamburg, Germany (16.11.2017) 

  4. Urban Human – Verhaltensbiologische Einblicke in die Gestaltung lebenswerter Städte. Talk at the Salonfestival, Ballwanz Immobilien, Frankfurt, Germany (2.11.2017) 

  5. Design den Menschen anpassen, nicht Menschen dem Design unterwerfen. Keynote at Technolution, Vienna, Austria (24.10.2017) 

  6. Homo urbanus, ein evolutionsbiologischer Blick in die Zukunft der Städte. Talk at the Business Breakfast, Frau im Focus, Vienna, Austria (24.10.2017) 

  7. Städte für Menschen – What else? Keynote at the Salzburger Verkehrstage, Salzburg, Austria (16.10.2017) 

  8. Homo urbanus, ein evolutionsbiologischer Blick in die Zukunft der Städte. Talk at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany (14.10.2017) 

  9. Homo urbanus. Keynote at the conference Stadt der Zukunft, Zukunft der Stadt, Stuttgart, Germany (11.10.2017) 

  10. Pain Gestures. A Classification Based on Behavior Analysis. Talk at the FDM World Congress, Cologne, Germany (23.09.2017) 

  11. Diversität ist kein Korsett, sie verleiht uns Flügel. Keynote at the Wissenschaftsnacht at the University of Ulm, Germany (21.07.2017) 

  12. Neugier und Humor als Ratgeber. Talk at the LBG meets Science Event (19.05.2017) 

  13. Der Mensch ist doch ein Nasentier. Geruchliche Kommunikation beim Menschen. Keynote at the Preisverleihung VKB Wissenschaftspreis (23.05.2017) 

  14. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Catania, Italy (06.04.2017) 

  15. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Graz, Austria (29.03.2017) 

  16. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Imperial College London, UK (17.03.2017) 

  17. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Nottingham Trent University, UK (15.03.2017) 

  18. Der Mensch ist doch ein Nasentier – Geruchliche Kommunikation beim Menschen. Keynote at the ÖGWA Kongress, Vienna, Austria (4.3.2017)

  19. Alles für die Gesundheit. Keynote at the Kick-Off-Event Philips Austria, Vienna, Austria (15.2.2017) 

  20. Leidenschaft und Neugier als Wegweiser im Leben. Keynote at the FIT Infotage, Vienna, Austria (31.1.2017)


  1. Wilder Sex – Evolutionsbiologische Betrachtungen zur Fortpflanzung. Keynote at the Gynäkologie Update Refresher, Vienna, Austria (11.11.2016)

  2. Mehr als nur ein Transportmittel – wie wir unser Auto als soziales Werkzeug benutzen. Keynote at the annual convention of the Austrian Leasing Association, Vienna, Austria (8.09.2016)

  3. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (23.03.2016)

  4. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (13.03.2016)

  5. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Stockholm, Sweden(12.03.2016)

  6. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Technical University of Denmark, (11.03.2016)

  7. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (10.03.2016)

  8. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Aarhus, Denmark (09.03.2016)

  9. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Aarhus, Denmark (08.03.2016)

  10. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Roedkilde Gymnasium, Denmark (08.03.2016)

  11. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Rive Katedralskole, Denmark (08.03.2016)

  12. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the University of Oslo, Norway (04.03.2016)

  13. Homo Urbanus. How environments shape our behaviour. Talk at the CEES Friday seminar. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis. University of Oslo, Norway (04.03.2016)

  14. Pheromone – Die Rolle von geruchlicher Kommunikation beim Menschen. Talk at Mary Ward School, St. Pölten. (04.03.2016) 


  1. The Case of Moulay Ismael. Talk at the Ig Informal Lectures, MIT, Cambridge (19.09.2015)

  2. Urbo Kune – Raum für Kommunikation. Talk at the Konstellation 7 UrboKune, Eisenstadt (31.1.2015) 

  3. Living Spaces - Wie Raum unser Leben beeinflusst. Talk at the Forum Building Science, Donau-Universität Krems (6.5.2015) 


  1. Urban Ethology: How Our Environments Shape Our Behavior. Plenary talk at the XXIII Biennal Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Belem, Brazil. (5.-8.8.2014) 

  2. Environments and Behavior: Applied Evolutionary Adaptedness. Talk presented at the Department Seminar of the Department of Integrative Biology and Evolution, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria. (12.3.2014) 

  3. Immer der Nase nach. Talk presented at the Junior Science Club, Vienna, Austria. (10.3.2014) 

  4. Die Ethologie des Fahrgastes. Keynote presented at the innovation workshop, Siemens, Vienna, Austria. (10.3.2014) 

  5. Bridging the Gap between Biological and Cultural Anthropology. Talk presented at Workshop “Between Nature and Nurture - the Future of the Human Ethology Film Archive” Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany. (13.2.2014) 


  1. Proportionen und das gute Fett. Talk presented at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschlands, Munich, Germany. (18.10.2013) 

  2. Im Mittelpunkt der Mensch. Keynote presented at the RTCA Arbeitskreis Multisensuelles Fahrzeug, Vienna, Austria. (02.07.2013) 

  3. Environmental Aesthetics. How Our Surroundings Shape Our Behavior. Talk at the Psychology Faculty Seminar, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. (13.05.2013)

  4. Mein Auto und ich. Evolutionsbiologische Überlegungen zur Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Automobil. Keynote at Car Event organized by Der Standard, Vienna, Austria. (11.04.2013)

  5. Pheromone. Was hat die Nase mit Geburtshilfe und Reproduktion zu tun? Keynote at Geburtshilfe im Dialog. Mannheim, Germany. (02.03.2013) 

  6. Behavior in Public Space. Seminar Series in the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, UK. (26.02.2013) 

  7. Pheromone. Keynote at ENDOpit 2013. Interaktives Symposium für pädiatrische und internistische Endokrinologie. Berlin, Germany. (22.02.2013) 


  1. Evolutionary Aesthetics. Keynote Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschlands, Freiburg, Germany. (19.10.2012) 

  2. Move Me - The Nature of Embodiment. Keynote Herbstakademie, Heidelberg, Germany. (08.10.2012) 

  3. Behavior in Open Space - An Ethological Perspective. Human Activity and Vision Summer School 2012, Inria Sophia Antipolis, France. (07.10.2012)

  4. Intelligent space - evolutionary considerations of human-environment interactions. Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring (SISM) workshop at the CVPR conference, Providence, RI, USA. (21.06.2012)

  5. The design of urban environments. Workshop for ProRail, Eindhoven. (08.06.2012)


  1. Evolutionäre Betrachtungen zu menschlichen Vorlieben.Talk at the Department for Marketing, University of Graz. (24.11.2011)

  2. Understanding Human Behavior. A Multilevel Approach?.Talk presented at the INTERHUB workshop at the Joint International Conference on Ambient Intelligence. (16.11.2011)

  3. Was macht uns sexuell attraktiv? Geschlechts- und Altersunterschiede bei der Partnerwahl in der 2. Lebenshälfte? Keynote presented at the Jahrestagung Deutsche Menopause Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, Germany. (18.11.2011)

  4. Was hat der Mann vom weiblichen Orgasmus? Talk presented at the pre-conference Symposium on Orgasm. Men’s Health Congress, Vienna, Austria. (2.10.2011)

  5. Die Evolution der Liebe. Festvortrag. Österreichische Ärztetage, Grado, Italien. (29.05.2011)

  6. Invisible Attraction: Human Pheromones (Dominican College, New York, 28.3.2011)


  1. Immer Der Nase Nach - Die Bedeutung des Geruchssinnes für das menschliche Verhalten  (Symposium Turm der Sinne, Nürnberg, 2010)

  2. The Effect of Urban Surroundings on Human Behavior (Workshop by yellowfish GmbH, Eindhoven, 2010)


  1. Is Attractiveness a Mere Signal of Ovulation (Darwin Symposium, Grafenwörth, 2009)

  2. Sehen Sie genug Grün - Zur Auswirkung von Umweltgestaltung auf das menschliche Verhalten (HEUER Dialog, Stuttgart, 2009)

  3. Lachen und Humor aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht (FAM, Wien, 2009)


  1. Die Rolle der Geruchlichen Kommunikation bei der Partnerwahl (Gesundheit für Sie, St. Pölten, 2008

  2. Pheromone und Partnerwahl (GYNOVA Akademie, Berlin, 2008)

  3. Die Rolle des Körpergeruchs für die Reproduktion (GYNOVA Akademie, Köln, 2008)

  4. Partnerwahl aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht (Endokrinologicum, Hamburg, 2008)


  1. Das Geheimnis der Anziehung - die Biologie der Partnerwahl (2. DVR-Kongress, Bonn, 2007)

  2. Evolutionsbiologische Ansätze zur Attraktivität (Prima, Wien, 2007)

  3. Pheromone (UKT Tübingen, 2007)

  4. Duftindizien (Beiersdorf, Hamburg 2007)


  1. Was der Körpergeruch über uns verrät (Greifenburg, 2006)

  2. Wie du dich bewegst sagt mir wer du bist (Felix-Ruckert Special, München, 2006)


  1. Die Natur und das Verhalten der Geschlechter (Rollen Folgen, Bad Saarow, 2005)

  2. Pheromone, Hormone und Kommunikation (Fortbildung Wagner-Stibbe-Sander, Hamburg, 2005)

  3. Pheromone - Kommunikation beim Menschen (PPP Symposium Essen, 2005)

  4. Die Evolution des Gedankenlesens (Festvortrag auf dem 4. Symposium “Psychoanalyse und Körper”, Wien, 2005)


  1. Die Rolle von Ähnlichkeit bei der Wahl von Freunden (Hospitalhof Stuttgart, 2004)

  2. Pheromone und Partnerwahl - Implikationen für die Reproduktion (Festvortrag auf der Jahrestagung 2004 der Österreichischen IVF-Gesellschaft, Pörtschach, 2004)

  3. Eine Stadt zum Wohlfühlen - Was die Evolution uns Lehrt (Vortragsreihe "Stadtmitte am Fluss", Saarbrücken, 2004)​​


Peer Reviewed Oral Presentations

  1. Oberzaucher E. (2019) The unpredictable nature of human subjects – How to develop appropriate ethological tools.  Symposium talk at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  2. Masuch, K., Schmehl, S., Oberzaucher E. (2019) He writes a lot, she gets to the point - sex differences in bathroom graffiti.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  3. Hegelmaier, L.M., Oberzaucher E., Mitrovic, A., Leder, H. (2019) Is beauty attractive and trustworthy? It depends. A methodological investigation of rating studies.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  4. Boehm, P.M., Schmehl, S., Masuch, K., Koellner, J., Fernandes, A.M., Fischer, M.L., Oberzaucher E. (2019) Cultured Laterality: Foot Laterality Around the Globe and in Art Depictions.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia. 

  5. Schmehl, S., Boehm, P.M., Masuch, K., Koellner, J., Fernandes, A.M., Fischer, M.L., Oberzaucher E., (2019) Which seat to take, which one to offer? Seat choice in mixed dyads – a cross-cultural study.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  6. Polt, M-H., Canoine, V., Oberzaucher E. (2019) Influence of hormonal status on muscle growth and speed development in women.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  7. Fernandes, A.M., Dufey, M., Puga, I., Oberzaucher E., Fischer, M.L. (2019) Ethological analysis of the jealousy response in infants 10-20 months old following Tinbergen ́s four questions.  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  8. Eder, S.J., Oberzaucher E. (2019) Shopping for high heels – do singles and women with a higher BMI buy higher heels?  Oral and poster presentation at the ISHE Summer Institute, Zadar, Croatia.

  9. Oberzaucher E., Ipser, C., Radinger G., Brachtl, S., Klug, S. (2019). Transdisciplinary approaches for built living spaces using the example of the qualification and network project „Gebäudesoftskills“ Talk presented at the BAUZ conference, Vienna, Austria

  10. Prossinger, H., Schmehl, S., Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Statistical analysis of gesture encoding: How consistently can ethologists encode what they observe?. Talk presented at the ISHE Conference, Santiago, Chile. 

  11. Masuch, K.*, Boehm, P.M., Koellner, J., Zingale, S., Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Looking at trees - Leaf shapes and preferences. Talk presented at the ISHE Conference, Santiago, Chile. 

  12. Eder, S.J.*, Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Getting in touch – Social status predicts physical interaction in classrooms. Talk presented at the ISHE Conference, Santiago, Chile.

  13. Oberzaucher, E. (2018). How to do it? Controlled experiments might sacrifice ecological validity. Talk presented at the HBES Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  14. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Soziologie findet statt: Gebäude als Bühne für Menschen. Talk presented at the ÖGS Konferenz, Graz, Austria. 

  15. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Pain Gestures in FDM – A behavioural Study. Talk presented at the FDM World Congress, Köln, Germany. 

  16. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Why Should We Do It the Hard Way? Symposium on Ethological Methods. Talk presented at the VI ISHE Summer Institute, Boise, Idaho, USA. 

  17. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Failure to Replicate Can Be A Scientific Opportunity. Talk presented at the HBES Conference 2017, Boise, Idaho, USA. 

  18. Ehlers, J., Hensel, L., Oberzaucher, E., Huckauf, A.  (2017). Eye movements in reading gendered texts. Talk presented at the Jahrestagung der MVE Liste 2017, Ulm, Germany. 

  19. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Lessons taught by failure to replicate. Talk presented at the Jahrestagung der MVE Liste 2017, Ulm, Germany. 

  20. Prossinger, H., Mühlhauser, A., Oberzaucher, E. (2016). Comparing assessments of facial features by participants using various continuous slider scores. Talk presented at the XXIII Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Stirling, Scotland.

  21. Oberzaucher, E., Schmid, S., Schmehl, S. (2016). The Ontogeny of the Sexual Dimorphism in Error Management? Talk presented at the XXIII Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Stirling, Scotland.

  22. *Schmehl, S., Ensberger, A., Masuch, K., Müller, H., Weinlinger, C., Harrer, G., Oberzaucher, E. (2016). Can Ethology Inform FDM Diagnosis and Therapy? Talk presented at the XXIII Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Stirling, Scotland.

  23. Prossinger, H., Garcia, J., Oberzaucher, E. (2015). A Mathematical Model for Male Homosexuality and Birth Order. Talk presented at the V Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Athens, Greece. 

  24. Oberzaucher, E., Schmehl, S., Ensberger, A., Masuch, K., Müller, H., Weinlinger, C., Harrer, G.(2015). Are Pain Gestures Derived from Auto-Therapy? Talk presented at the V Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Athens, Greece.

  25. *Schmehl, S., Masuch, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2015). Where to Sit. Environmental Preferences Affect Seat Choice in Public Transport. Talk presented at the V Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Athens, Greece. 

  26. Oberzaucher, E., Patino Vilchis, J-L., Emonet, R., Grammer, K., (2012). Human Behavior as the Basis for Social Computing: The Influence of Environmental Factors. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  27. Stepanek, U.,* Smole, K., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2012). Modeling the Cognitive Bases for Social Attention in Real Life Situations. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria. 

  28. Schmehl, S.,* Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Embodiment. Understanding and Speaking by Doing. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria. 

  29. Frohnwieser, A.,* Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Hopf, R., (2012). Human Walking Behavior - The Effect of Density on Walking Speed and Direction. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria. 

  30. Jäschke, J.,* Primes, G., Oberzaucher, E., Fieder, M., Wallner, B., (2012). If peers defect and bosses cooperate: Expectations unmet lead to physiological stress. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  31. Sklenofsky, G.,* Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Emotional Breathing: Respiratory patterns as emotional expressions. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  32. Mühlhauser, A.,* Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). The Dynamic Nature of Emotional Expressions. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  33. Smole, K.,*  Oberzaucher, E.,  Grammer, K. (2012). Eye Gaze as a Measure of Social Attention. Talk presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria. 

  34. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2011). Embodiment: Understanding by Doing. Talk presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  35. Reindl, P.*,  Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2011). Simulating Appraisal Processes of Emotional Events? Talk presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  36. Masuch, K.*, Schatz, R., Egger, S., Holzleitner, I., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2011). The Duration Effect in Rating Studies - Quantity instead of Quality? Talk presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  37. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2011). Embodiment: New Approaches from an Ethological Point of View. Talk presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  38. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2011). Cognition and Hormones in Females: Associative Networks and Knowledge Organization. Talk presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  39. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2011). The Case of Mulay Ismael the Bloodthirsty: Fact or Fancy? Talk presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  40. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2011). The Case of Mulay Ismael the Bloodthirsty: Fact or Fancy? Talk presented at the 2011 Conference of the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, Binghamton, NY.

  41. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2011). Fast and Frugal Algorithms: Error Management in Games. Talk presented at the 2011 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Giessen. 

  42. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Stockinger, E., Filiadis, C. (2010). Fast and Frugal Algorithms: Sex Differences in Error Management Persist Beyond Mating Games. Talk presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin. 

  43. Oberzaucher, E. (2010). Multi-Modal Analysis of Behavior. Talk presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin.

  44. Holzleitner, I.J.*,  Pflueger, L.S., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2010). Matching Pairs. Perceived and Anthropometric Facial (Dis-)Similarity in a Rural Sample of Long-Term Mates. Talk presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin. 

  45. Pflueger, L.S.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2010). Are Attractive Women More Fertile? Evidence from a Rural Sample. Talk presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin.

  46. Oberzaucher, E., Stockinger, E., Filiadis, C., Grammer, K. (2010). Are Gender differences in Error Management Limited to the Reproductive Context? Talk presented at the 2010 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at New Paltz, New York.

  47. Oberzaucher, E., Katina, S., Schmehl, S., Holzleitner, I.J., Mehu-Blantar, I. Grammer, K. (2009). Are attractive signals more pronounced in ovulation - or are they attractive because they signal ovulation? Talk presented at the 2009 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at Oswego, New York.

  48. Schmehl, S.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). Sex differences in humor appreciation: An observational approach. Talk presented at the 2009 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at Oswego, New York.

  49. Grammer, K., Fieder, M., Oberzaucher, E. (2009). Sequences in human mate selection and decision making. Talk presented at the 2009 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at Oswego, New York. 

  50. Schmehl, S.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). Sex differences in humor appreciation: An observational approach. Talk presented at the II. Summer Institute of the International Society of Human Ethology 2009 at Orono, Maine.

  51. Holzleitner, I.J.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). Eternal beauty. Introducing the 4th dimension to the research on facial attractiveness. Talk presented at the II. Summer Institute of the International Society of Human Ethology 2009 at Orono, Maine.

  52. Grammer, K., Fieder, M., Oberzaucher, E. (2009). Mate selection and outcomes in a real world sample: evolutionary perspectives. Talk presented at the Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association at St. Andrews, Scotland.

  53. Lenochova, P.*, Havlicek, J., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2008). Do perfumes mask or interact with body odor? Talk presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  54. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E., Fieder, M. (2008). Mate selection and outcomes in a real world sample. Talk presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  55. Windhager, S.*, Slice, D.E., Schaefer, K., Oberzaucher, E., Thorstensen, T., Grammer, K. (2008). Car fronts as (human) faces: Overperception errors as evolutionary stable strategy? Talk presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  56. Oberzaucher, E., Blantar, I., Schmehl, S., Holzleitner, I., Katina, S., Grammer, K. (2008). The myth of hidden ovulation: How the face changes during the menstrual cycle. Talk presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  57. Oberzaucher, E., Bernhard, M. (2008). Die Filmaufnahmen Rudolf Pöchs aus humanethologischer Sicht. Talk presented at the workshop "Rudolf Pöch: a Pioneer in Physical and Cultural Anthropology and in Media-Oriented Scientific Practice" at the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria.

  58. Abend, P.*, Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2008). The sexy voice: Fluctuating asymmetry and voice quality. Talk presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  59. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Hozleitner, I. (2008). Dance as a dynamic motion system. Talk presented at the ZiF workshop „The enculturated Body“ at the ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld, Germany.

  60. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Zimmer, K., Fischer, G., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., Dixon S.J., Xu, Y., Zomer, S., Brereton, R.G., Penn, D.J. (2007). The identification of compounds in human sweat - signals of individuality, gender and genes. Talk presented at the Association of Chemoreception Sciences annual meeting 2007 in Sarasota, Florida, USA.

  61. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2006). Embodied Communication, An Eco-Ethological View. Talk presented at Embodied Communication II: An Integrated Perspective at the ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld, Germany.

  62. Mayr, M.*, Mosler, H., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2006). Emotions in Facial Expressions and Body Postures: A Novel Methodological Approach. Talk presented at the XVIII. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology in Detroit, USA.

  63. Mosler, H.*, Mayr, M., Renninger, L.A., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2006). Show me who you are – motions as cues to personality assessment. Talk presented at the XVIII. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology in Detroit, USA.

  64. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Blantar, I., Zimmer, K., Fischer, G., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., Dixon S.J., Xu, Y., Brereton, R.G., PEnn, D.J. (2006). The Chemistry of Body Odor, A Signal of Individuality, Gender and Genetics. Talk presented at the XVIII. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology in Detroit, USA.

  65. Blantar, I.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2006). Visible and Olfactory Cues of Ovulation in Women. Talk presented at the XVIII. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology in Detroit, USA.

  66.     66.    Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2004). The role of similarity at different stages of friendships. Talk at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society conference in Berlin, Germany.

  67. Bernhard, M., Oberzaucher, E. (2004). The Impact of Patrilocality on Human Social Behavior. Talk at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society conference in Berlin, Germany.

  68. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2004). The choice of friends: movement quality as a decision criterion. Talk at the XVII.  Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Ghent, Belgium.

  69. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. & Salter, F. (2002). The role of similarity in choosing friends. Talk at the XVI. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Montreal, Canada.

Peer Reviewed Poster presentations

  1. Masuch, K., Schmehl, S., Oberzaucher, E. (2019). He writes a lot, She gets to the point – Sex differences in Bathroom Graffiti. Poster presented at the Human Behaviour and Evolution Conference, Boston, MA.

  2. Oberzaucher, E., Masuch, K., Schmehl, S., (2019). Behavioral nudging towards sustainable mobility. Poster presented at the International Symposium: Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World. Vienna, Austria.

  3. Masuch, K.*, Boehm, P.M., Koellner, J., Zingale, S., Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Looking at trees - Leaf shapes and preferences. Poster presented at the HBES Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  4. Maletzky, B.*, Tebbich, S., Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Fleeting beauty – Decision making in men is altered by ejaculation. Poster presented at the HBES Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  5. Eder, S.J.*, Oberzaucher, E. (2018). Getting in touch – Social status predicts physical interaction in classrooms. Poster presented at the HBES Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  6. Masuch, K.*, Schwarzl, C., Einenkel, K., Weninger, M., Girsovics, V. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Nature Catches the Eye: Human Gaze Behaviour as a Measure for Aesthetic Preference. Poster presented at the HBES Conference, Boise, Idaho, USA. 

  7. Masuch, K.*, Schwarzl, C., Einenkel, K., Weninger, M., Girsovics, V. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Nature Catches the Eye: Human Gaze Behaviour as a Measure for Aesthetic Preference. Poster presented at the VI Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Boise, Idaho, USA. 

  8. Masuch, K.*, Schwarzl, C., Einenkel, K., Weninger, M., Girsovics, V. Oberzaucher, E. (2017). Nature Catches the Eye: Human Gaze Behaviour as a Measure for Aesthetic Preference. Poster presented at the Jahrestagung der MVE Liste, Ulm, Germany. 

  9. Weinlinger, C.*, Ensberger, A., Oberzaucher, E. (2015). Is this Seat Taken? Examining Minimal Territories and Personal Space in the Subway. Poster presented at the V Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Athens, Greece. 

  10. Reisinger, M.,* Krenn-Leeb, A., Teschler-Nicola, M., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Fluctuating Asymmetry of Metacarpal Bones in the Context of Social Stratification: A Bronze Age Population. Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  11. Pileckyte, I.,* Alfonso, R.P., Strekhnina, D., Lehnfeld, M., Mühlhauser, A., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Visual Attention, Decision Making and Scene Description Revealed by Bee Swarm Analysis. Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  12. Masuch, K.,* Mühlegger, M., Sackl, A., Egger, S., Schatz, R.,  Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2012). Gesture Synchronisation in a Video Chat Conversation. Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria. 

  13. Males, M.,* Bergmann, D., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Gesture Synchronisation in a Video Chat Conversation.Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  14. Steinbach, X.,* Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., (2012). Human Pheromones: Do “Copulines” Have an Effect on Men’s Testosterone Levels and Social Behavior? PPoster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  15. Stephan, P.,*., Mühlhauser, A.,  Oberzaucher, E.,  Grammer, K. (2012). The Association of Facial and Hand Attractiveness in Men. Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  16. Gschwandtner, M.,*.,  Oberzaucher, E.,  Grammer, K. (2012). Men in Groups: Behavior in Public Space. Poster presented at the XXI Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Vienna, Austria.

  17. Oberzaucher, E.,  Grammer, K. (2012). Human Conception: What We can Learn from Moulay Ismael. Poster presented at the 2012 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Durham, UK. 

  18. Mühlhauser, A.*.,  Oberzaucher, E.,  Grammer, K. (2012). The Dynamic Nature of Emotional Expressions. Poster presented at the 2012 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Durham, UK. 

  19. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2012). Embodiment: Understanding and Speaking by Doing. Poster presented at the 2012 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Durham, UK. 

  20. Stepanek, U.*,  Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E.(2011). Social Cues as Triggers for Visual Attention. Poster presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  21. Holzleitner, I.J.*.,  Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K.(2011). Across Cultures and Times: A New Approach to the Research on Facial Attractiveness. Poster presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  22. Smole, K.*,  Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E.(2011). Eye Gaze Behavior as a Measure for Social Attention. Poster presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic. 

  23. Mühlhauser, A.*.,   Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E.(2011). Basic Emotions and Their Dynamics. Poster presented at the 2011 Summer Institute of the International Society for Human Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  24. Stephan, P.*.,  Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K.(2011). Sex Differences in Urban Home Ranges and the Accuracy of Cognitive Maps. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  25. Reindl, P.*.,  Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2011). Simulating Appraisal Processes of Emotional Events. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  26. Holzleitner, I.J.*.,  Oberzaucher, E., Pflüger, L.S., Grammer, K.(2011). Matching Pairs, Perceived and Anthropometric Similarity in a Rural Sample of Long-Term Mates. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  27. Masuch, K.*, Schatz, R., Egger, S., Holzleitner, I., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2011). The Duration Effect in Rating Studies - Quantity instead of Quality? Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Montpellier, France.

  28. Holzleitner, I.J.*,  Oberzaucher, E., Pflueger, L.S., Grammer, K. (2011). Matching Pairs. Perceived and Anthropometric (Dis-)Similarity in a Rural Sample of Long-Term Mates. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, Binghamton, NY. 

  29. Pflueger, L.S.*, Oberzaucher, E., Katina, S., Holzleitner I.J., Grammer, K. (2011). Are Attractive Women More Fertile? Evidence from a Rural Sample. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Giessen.

  30. Holzleitner, I.J.*,  Oberzaucher, E., Pflueger, L.S., Grammer, K. (2011). Matching Pairs. Perceived and Anthropometric (Dis-)Similarity in a Rural Sample of Long-Term Mates. Poster presented at the 2011 Conference of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Giessen. 

  31. Masuch K.*, Baldauf, M., Froehlich, P., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2010). Sex Differences in Orientation by Using Mobile Urban Exploration Tools. Poster presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin. 

  32. Keber A.M.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2010). The Three LEvels of Communication in Potential Courtship Situations. Poster presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin. 

  33. Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2010). The Case of Mulay Ismael the Bloodthirsty: Fact or Fancy? Poster presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin.

  34. Czokor, L.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2010). Feedback Use in Mixed-Sex Conversation Settings. Poster presented at the 2010 Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology at Madison, Wisconsin. 

  35. Holzleitner, I.J.*, Oberzaucher, E., Pflueger, L.S., Grammer, K. (2010). Matching Pairs. Perceived Facial Similarity in a Rural Sample of Long-Term Mates. Poster presented at the 2010 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at New Paltz, New York. Awarded with the “best poster prize”.

  36. Keber A.M.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). Sex differences in risk taking behavior.  Poster presented at the II. Summer Institute of the International Society of Human Ethology 2009 at Orono, Maine.

  37. Keber A.M.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). Sex differences in risk taking behavior.  Poster presented at the 2009 Conference of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society at Oswego, New York.

  38. Oberzaucher, E., Katina, S., Schmehl, S., Holzleitner, I., Mehu-Blantar, I., Grammer, K. (2009). The female face signals ovulation through subtle shape and texture change. Poster presented at the Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association at St. Andrews, Scotland.

  39. Lenochova, P., Havlicek, J., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E., Roberts, C. (2009). Do perfumes mask or interact with body odor? Poster presented at the Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association at St. Andrews, Scotland.

  40. Holzleitner, I.*, Schmehl, S., Stahl, S.F., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2009). The dynamics of smiles and brow movements. Poster presented at the Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association at St. Andrews, Scotland.

  41. Schmehl, S.*, Holzleitner, I., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Alscher, W., Pflueger, L., Steinkopf, L., Alteheld, L. (2009). The signal quality of head movements. Poster presented at the Conference of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association at St. Andrews, Scotland.

  42. Grober, O.*, Atzmüller, M., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2008). Body movement and human recognition of sensation seeking. Poster presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  43. Mann, M.*, Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2008). Phytophilia: Effects of plants on human cognition and room perception. Poster presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy.

  44. Holzleitner, I.*, Schmehl, S., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., (2008). The dynamics of smiles and brow movements. Poster presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy and at the IK (Interdisziplinäres Kolleg) 2008 Kooperation at Günne, Germany.

  45. Schmehl, S.*, Holzleitner, I., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Alscher, W., Pflueger, L., Steinkopf, L., Alteheld, (2008). The signal quality of head movements. Poster presented at the XIX. Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 2008 at Bologna, Italy and at the IK (Interdisziplinäres Kolleg) 2008 Kooperation at Günne, Germany.

  46. Szugfil, L.*, Arendt, F., Fenk, L., Filiadis, C., Fuchsbauer, A., Keber, A.M., Koessner, I., Mayer, C., Reisinger, M., Richl, E., Schuetze, H.C., Speiser, N., Stockinger, E., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E., Schmehl, S., Holzleitner, I. (2008). Gender Differences in Hand Gestures. Poster presented at the  2nd MEi:CogSci Student Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia.

  47. Konicar, G.*, Grammer, K., Holzleitner, I., Schmehl, S., Matt, E., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2008). Patterns of Attraction. What Motion tells us about Sexual Interest. Poster presented at the 2nd MEi:CogSci Student Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia.

  48. Grknic, B.*, Koessner, I., Mayer, C., Wortner, C., Steindl, H., Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2008). A study of verbal mating strategies. Poster presented at the 2nd MEi:CogSci Student Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia.

  49. Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., Wiesler, D., Kloukova, I., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Dixon, S.J., Gong. F., Xu, Y., Brereton. R.G., Penn, D.J. (2006). Genetic factors and biochemical individuality of human skin volatiles studied through GC-MS and chemometric methodologies. Poster presented at 29th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy.

  50. Oberzaucher, E., Atzmüller, M., Blantar, I., Mitteröcker, P., Grammer, K., Fink, B. (2005). The representation of self reported affect in body posture and body posture simulation. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions General Meeting in Bari, Italy.

  51. Blantar, I.*, Grammer, K., Oberzaucher, E. (2004). The effect of facial surgery on interpersonal perception. Poster at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference in Berlin, Germany.

  52. Oberzaucher, E., Bernhard, M. (2004). What makes our true friends what they are? Poster at the XVII. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Ghent, Belgium. 

  53. Oberzaucher, E., Bernhard, M., Schaefer, K. (2002). Gender Differences in Friendships. Poster, presented at the XVI. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Montreal, Canada. 

  54. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K. (2001). Phytophilia, the positive effects of plants on cognitive efficiency. Poster presented at the XV. Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Salamanca, Spain.

  55. Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K.(2001). Phytophilie, die positiven Auswirkungen von Pflanzen auf kognitive Vorgänge. Poster presented at the 4th Congress of the GfA German Society for Anthropology.


photo by Michael Sazel

© 2021 by Elisabeth Oberzaucher

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